Shiso and Verbena Bouquet

from $20.00

Colorful note card of a small bouquet of Jasmine, Sorrel, Shiso, Verbena, and Fennel.

The stems in the rectangular vase have sprouted roots. A hand enters from above. Is it painting or pollinating the Verbena, or doing something else?

All the flowers are edible and have dramatically different flavors. Fennel echos licorice, Shiso delivers coriander and sweetness, Jasmine falls into the bitter green category, Sorrel is a bright citrus with a furry texture, and Verbena has the zestiness of a tangerine.

  • The card is 5” x 7” and comes with an envelope in a clear compostable case.

  • Inside there is space for you to write a note.

  • On the back of the card is the title, the flowers pictured, the artist’s name, and the year the painting was created.

  • This painting was one of the first in the series, “Pollination and Propagation.”

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